Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The Evolution of Problems

Each time you pass a certain phase, you go through a huge chunk of problems (This is Not a sentimental post..Don't go. No wait ) Right from your childhood , your adolescence, your young adulthood, your adulthood. Yea I can only talk about what happens until so far. I am yet to go through the remaining stages which are apparently even more gruelling as per what the elders around me say. As you transition from one phase to another, and as a corollary of which you face newer problems, you feel what you faced earlier was trivial and something you over-reacted to. 

I am going to share, to the best of my memory and the extent to which I can borrow heavily from cliches, what my biggest problems were at different stages of my 23 years of life. 

Kindergarden to Primary school

I grew up in Muscat, ( for convenience, you can think of it as Dubai). So there were very few Indians that I could interact/play with. (because the Muscat nationals wouldn't play with us). I did have a nice childhood though and I went through all the moments a kid in India would go through. My biggest problem at that time was being a good girl to my father. I mean, me and my dad are buddies now and have always been, but I  saw him as this authoritative presence whose bad books I should never get into when I was a kid. When I was in primary school, "bad words" started becoming a thing, all kids my age would pick up on these words and flaunt them around. I wanted to use them around too, and if I did so around my dad, I knew it was the end for me. So I turned to my grandpa, who had visited Muscat then, and asked him the meaning of one of those words, He didn't answer and mysteriously, the next morning, my dad gave me a piece of his mind. (But I trusted you , thaatha (grandpa in Tamil). Since then, I always saw my dad as He who must not be angered. My other problem was when my dad didn't buy me the same set of 36 Faber Castle color pencils which were a huge status symbol for kids back then, after I lost them in school. He always knew I'm not an artist , and he is always right. 

Middle School 

I am more of a nerd than not. I happened to get the first rank in the 5th grade without really aiming at it. So, after being announced as the first in class, I thought I'm invincible. Then came along this girl, in 6th grade, she was just better than me, so much better than me. And I never could stand first for the rest of my middle school life again. And My maths teacher, who thought I was the best, replaced me as his favourite student with that girl. This was a huge blow to me, a twinge that I felt everytime he would praise her. Also, in middle school, I was ostracised for being the big nerd, That's harsh actually. I wasn't even the first in class, but I was labelled nerd. And I was fat, still am, but then I was loserly and I would sob when people called me fatty and all. (Omg I was a loser kid)

High school

Now it was all about my 10th board exams. Just that. I had my blinkers on and I was charging towards a 90%+ aggregate. I needed to boost my self esteem, and moreover my school offered a cash price of 100 rials, (translates to Rs 10,000).  This was in Muscat. In Chennai, the competition levels were insane, I studied in the most studious school of Chennai. And the students here, were a lot geekier than me. So my nerd tag fell off and waned away quite naturally since I was surrounded by many more. I kind of missed it though. My next big problem was (Surprise) 12th boards. After sifting through all these stages of problems, and emerging successful, I entered into my 18th year of official adulthood. And I was so excited, I thought I should study much less and enjoy more, I was all geared up , somewhat like this

CA. -The name is enough

I had no idea life had such a humongous problem for me in store. All the while I was beguiled by the stature my dad held among his colleagues. He was a CA. He was awesome. I aspired to become one, when I was in 8th standard, not knowing what it even meant, I just knew I didn't have to take up science for 11th and 12th. I was in the mood for some real time reprieve after my 12th board exams. But CPT came prancing along. I started developing a little suspicion about the awesomeness of this course because we were made to write CPT within 1 month of completing our Board exams. Now who can be that cruel. IPCC was a big hurdle to cross...okay there are too many CA problems, so lets just club all the parts of becoming a CA into one bucket and move on (not to another blog, please stay) Oh btw, CA was a problem which started in 2010 and is still continuing.


College was the part of my life that I would always cherish. My problems at that time, apart from simultaneously pursuing CA included  hissy fits with my friends,  cold wars with other girls in class , Harry Potter vs Twilight arguments, (I'm a fan of the former but a fan of the actor of the latter). Since I was a fan of Robert Pattinson, I was engraged when Kristen Stewart cheated on him, so that was a huge problem too. *While typing this out, I just realised that my college problems are a lot more childish than my school and kindergarden problems*. (I'm so doomed)

Real Problems

Once you pass through all these phases, and step into the real world, it dawns on you that all along life has been pampering you and the problems which seemed so arduous were actually not problems at all. I begun working in the year 2013 as part of my CA intern-ship course and I realised that life has a lot more opportunities going ahead, to trip you over and screw you up.I'm very content with my job (just in case my bosses read this ;) but you face real time troubles here, once you start being perceived as an adult.  But with every problem that you overcome, you are moulded into a stronger person by at least 0.01%. So all I say is, with regard to whatever you're going through now, "This too shall pass" and you will laugh about your current scenario some day later when you;re facing a bigger problem. (I am sure I did not help in making you feel better with that sentence )

So yes, Live love and laugh now, because life is anyways going to catch hold of you tighter.