I have successfully completed one year of relationship with Whatsapp. I always loved having a basic model Nokia c5 phone. I practically avoided every situation of having to buy a touch phone inspite of my C5 growing obsolete day by day. And then came the day when I gave up my inhibitions about touch phones and let my dad buy me a Samsung Duos (I didn't offer to pay for it :)). I took my own time to develop interest in exploring the phone, but I was quick enough to install whatsapp into it. I had to know what the whole craze about that App was and a huge part of me knows that I actually wanted a smartphone just to be able to use Whatsapp .
So yes, Its been a year with Whatsapp and I must say its been fun ! And a great learning experience. Why a learning experience, well. thats what this post is going to be about , that is if you haven't already clicked on the "Next Blog"button
WhatsApp teaches you a lot about what people are thinking without even having the chance to read their body language or facial expressions. Here are some of the translations of what people are actually thinking while typing out the following
1. Sup/What's up/Wuzaa/
- I really don't care what you're upto, but I'm bored so please talk about something !
2. When you've typed out an incident that happened to you, which you intend to be funny,watch out for these responses
If the person just types out lol/rofl (notice the small caps), it means they haven't even read your post. They're busy and don't want to talk to you and they dread that you will continue the conversation. Its a hint. Stop Right there (I have been on both ends )
If they type out LOL , it means they read your post. They want to be nice to you, they say LOL/ROFL, but they aren't laughing, its not funny to them. So again, Stop
Hahahahahaha then what happenend?
That means they are genuinely nice people, and they don't mind listening to you more. They're the best people in the world. Hold on to them.
3. When you're having a heated argument/fight
Someone who has something potentially rude to say will always dilute it with a :P smiley or a lol
- Yeah Right :P. I don't think you make sense at all lolol
They're like, I still like you, I don't want to hurt you, but I couldn't stand what you did .
- You're starting to sound like a big jerk :P. lol (Insert WhatsApp laughing tears smiley)
- You notice that you haven't been talking to me much lol
Those were some examples.
4. Conversation has gone on for a long time, It has to end somewhere. Who will put an end to it is the big question. And whoever is the one to cut the thread is the rude one. So these are the ways in which people try to put an end to conversations
- Hahah okay dude, lunch/dinner brb
And then they're never coming back . Take the hint there.
- Just two laughing smileys or lols . They also mean, please stop.
So those were some lessons I have learnt from WhatsApp. That said, WhatsApp has been great for me. It makes chatting fun.And I really have people whom I love to talk to and Im sure they love talking to me too (lets pretend Im too cool and that all these examples have never been used on me)
Being in Denial,
Aishwarya Sivakumar